First day back at work after summer break. First meeting of the year. Also by chance the anniversary almost to the day of my father’s death (it’s tomorrow). Walked in, the first thing I see are some big test prints someone left behind on the new photo printer installed over the summer.
The prints show my father and his twin sister, posing in somewhat younger days, with the Colorado Rockies in the background no less, not far from where both their ashes were spread near their late mother and a few other family members.
I have no idea where the file came from or how it ended up on a common iMac in the computer lab. I have a small print of this image but don’t remember scanning it. I suppose it’s possible I scanned it for pictures I printed for his memorial service, or to send to his twin sister before she passed away. But the memorial was three years ago and I would have sent his sister the photo maybe two years ago. The school computers are generally wiped every year.
I’m kind of stunned and flummoxed. All I can think is that this was a kind of greeting, a photo postcard from the afterlife, marking the anniversary. Very strange.